Hi, Sisters!
THANK YOU for being here!
It’s truly an honor when you guys get onto this site and look through these clothes that I have hand selected for you...or when you take the time to read the words I write!
 I am definitely a dreamer but I truly think the support all of you have shown my little business has far surpassed what I ever dreamed it would be!
THANK YOU for that! 
That is my drive to keep doing this and to keep bringing you girls
“the best of the best”.
TSB is a collaboration of all my favorite fashions mixed with all YOUR favorite fashions! I LOVE to listen to what you guys want, and then to search for the best of that and bring it here!
My personal every day style consists of jeans and a graphic tee! ...and when I "dress up", I just throw a blazer over it and add some Navajo pearls and bold leather fringe earrings! 
My favorite color will forever be the perfect shade of blush pink—and I truly believe that every girl loves pink—they just haven’t all discovered what shade of pink they love!
I am a super passionate person so I have many hobbies and interests... but at the very top of that list will always be my Jesus, and then my 4 beautiful gifts from Him: Sawyer, Finley, Sander and Indie. 
Again, THANK YOU all for being HERE on this wild journey with me!
Sara | Owner of The Sister's Boutique